Freedom House: „The Central Electoral Commission's failure to respond to reporting on candidates' corruption or illegal actions undermine Moldova’s promised reform”
Membrii CEC. Foto:

Representatives of Freedom House criticize the actions of the electoral authorities in Chisinau in terms of limiting journalists’ access to public information. "The lack of transparency about campaign contributions and the Central Electoral Commission's failure to respond to reporting on candidates' corruption or illegal actions undermine Moldova’s promised reforms,” said Robert Herman, vice president for international programs.

The representative of the organization says that the Central Electoral Commission should improve public access to information on presidential candidates before the second round of voting on November 13. „Journalists’ lack of access to key information raises serious concerns about the government’s commitment to freedom of expression as a core democratic value”, added Robert Herman. 

Earlier, reporters of the Center for Investigative Journalism warned that CEC restricts journalists' access to subscription lists and financial statements of the candidates for presidential elections. CIJM sent several requests for access to information in this regard. CEC members claimed the need to protect personal data, addressing the National Center for Personal Data Protection.

Subsequently, the Centre for Investigative Journalism, Ziarul de Garda, along with several NGOs have expressed concern over attempts to restrict access of investigative journalists to public information pertaining to the election process and candidates registered in presidential elections.

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