Cornelia Cozonac

Blogger Anticoruptie



Posts by Cornelia Cozonac

The Moscow-imposed press laws mirrored across post-Soviet Asian countries

Token Responses to Information Requests in Government Institutions

Access to information of public interest, the press, the citizen and the government

20 years of investigative journalism in Moldova

Facebook and the money of the corrupt who make the law on social networks

The invisible front against investigative journalists

Access to justice for people with mental disabilities

Why the Moldovan police help to detain the defendants in the transnistrian region?

Corrupted MPs and politics on Bac

2015 – year of state criminals

Staircase wit of current MPs


Natalia Scobioala

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Violeta Gașițoi

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Viorica Tătaru Crăițămîndră

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Victoria Dodon

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Inga Grigoriu

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Elena Moldoveanu

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Diana Grosu

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Svetlana Dogotaru

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Veaceslav Golovcenko

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