The National Integrity Authority (ANI) found unjustified assets totaling 854,785 lei for Pavel Vinițchi, a prosecutor of the Chișinău Municipal Prosecutor's Office, for the period 2016 – 2023. ANI was notified following an article by the Center for Investigative Journalism of Moldova, which revealed that the law enforcer was driving a Volvo XC 90 registered in Bulgaria and was stopped by police on suspicion of alcohol consumption.
"Considering the circumstances [...] for the period 01.08.2016-26.05.2023, the integrity inspector finds the presence of a financial shortfall of – 854,785 lei, an amount that constitutes a substantial difference in the sense of Law no. 133/201," states the Finding Act available on the Authority's website.
The integrity inspector identified discrepancies between the income obtained, assets, and expenses incurred by Prosecutor Pavel Vinițchi and his family members, as follows:
For the year 2017, a discrepancy of 17,164 lei was found;
For 2018 – a discrepancy of 83,751 lei;
For 2019 – a discrepancy of 103,293 lei;
For 2020 – a discrepancy of 650,576 lei.
On the other hand, Prosecutor Vinițchi reported that upon analyzing the calculations of the integrity inspector, "he found several omissions." He stated that in 2020 he received 30,000 euros as an advance from a person to whom he later sold an apartment.
He also mentioned that he purchased "a foundation" with 7,000 euros, money borrowed from relatives, which he repaid the same year, 2020, following the sale of the apartment. Therefore, he considered that this loan did not need to be included in the declaration. The prosecutor insisted that in 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 he received money from his relatives abroad to buy certain goods for them.
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