DOC//The managing director of Moldovagaz, in the process of honor defenсe. What are the concerns of Vadim Ceban

Viorica Mija

The Supreme Court of Justice declared inadmissible the appeal submitted by the defense attorney of the managing director of Moldovagaz, Vadim Ceban in a process of defense of honor, dignity, and personal reputation. The legal proceedings were initiated almost two years ago, after Ceban summoned Alexandr Petkov, arguing that the latter had placed derogatory information in his address.

Vadim Ceban restarted the process of regaining his "good name" in February 2021. The director of “Moldovagaz” summoned Alexandr Petkov to come to the court after the latter published on the portal an article which stated that the director of "Moldovagaz" commented on the problem of Transnistria's debt, and one of the options for payment of arrears was the transfer to Gazprom the assets belonging to SA "Moldovagaz" located on the territory of Transnistria. On the same day, the administrator of OMG-Media Grup SRL, Alexandr Petkov, shared the respective post on his social media page.

By the decision of the Chisinau Court office of November 18, 2021, the claim was partially satisfied. The following content was found false and defamatory: "Vadim Ceban has committed criminal offenses and is harming the state of the Republic of Moldova, the citizens, and gas consumers of the Republic of Moldova". The court obligated Petkov to post the refutation text. All other claims were dismissed.

Later, the Court of Appeal also quashed the part with the obligation to deny false and defamatory information.

The Court of Appeal revealed that the plaintiff did not prove that the information spread on the Facebook page by Alexandr Petkov meets the conditions for launching legal proceedings. The published material is not defamatory, the author’s purpose was to adequately elucidate the reality and not to mislead public opinion.

More than that, the given information was published on Petkov Alexandr's page and has nothing in common with the Press Agency headed by him. At the same time, the appeals court cited that the plaintiff did not use his rights granted by the Facebook administration and did not report this narration as false or derogatory to him.

Viorica Mija

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