Dorin Damir and Valeriu Cojocaru Were Released from Pre-Trial Detention

Ilie Gulca
Valeriu Cojocaru, fost șef al Direcției nr. 5 și Dorin Damir, președinte al FEA

Invoking the inhuman conditions of detention in penitentiary no. 13, the magistrates of the Chisinau Court decided that Dorin Damir should be detained at home for 30 days, and Valeriu Cojocaru should be criminally investigated under judicial control for 60 days.

They pointed out that they had replaced the preventive measures, from pre-trial detention to pre-trial release under judicial control, in the case of Valeriu Cojocaru, and to house arrest in the case of Dorin Damir because pre-trial detention can be applied “only if another preventive measure is impossible”.

Dorin Damir and Valeriu Cojocaru were detained in early August. As head of the 5th Directorate, Valeriu Cojocaru allegedly hired Damir as an undercover agent, being offered a different identity. Dorin Damir allegedly used his second identity when crossing the border.

They are suspected of abuse of office, embezzlement of state property, illegal crossing of the state border, disclosure of state secrets and forgery in public documents. According to law enforcement, they risk two to 12 years in prison.

In the same case, the former head of the General Inspectorate of Police, Alexandru Pînzari, was detained on July 30, 2021. He was first released from prison and placed under house arrest so that at the beginning of October only the ban on leave the town.

Ilie Gulca

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