Following an investigation of the Center for Investigative Journalism, Head of Public Procurement Agency is in the CNA’s attention

Mariana Colun
Foto: CIJM

The National Anti-corruption Center (CNA) took notice of  the case of Viorel Mosneaga, head of the Public Procurement Agency  (AAP), after the Anticorruption portal of the Center for Investigative Journalism published on Thursday, January 14, an investigation carried out together with Ziarul  de Garda.

The investigation reveals that the company of the family of the head from AAP Aldos Grup SRL, won in the last two years, tenders managed by the state institution, amounting to almost 35 million lei. Most of lucrative tenders adjudged by this company have been challenged by competitors, but in most cases, the Agency representatives rejected the claims of the economic agents. Business partners of the family of the head from Public Procurement Agency have been successful in recent years as they won agreements worth tens of millions of lei.

"CNA took notice of this case, following the investigation published by the Anticorruption portal and started several controls. Currently, investigations continue and after they are over and the facts are confirmed, they will decide on the prosecution. Then, the final decision will be announced", said Angela Starinschi, spokeswoman of CNA who was contacted by the Anti-Corruption Portal.

During the investigation, Viorel Mosneaga said that he did not know details about the company Aldos group, owned by his family and tenders worth 35 million lei won by this company since he has been head of APP. He denied of having influenced the settlement of the contestations filled by companies that have not won tenders favorable to Aldos group.

Mariana Colun

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