Former praetor of Buiucani sector awarded 100,000 lei in damages from Chisinau City Hall

Viorica Mija
Colaj CIJM

The magistrates of the Chisinau Court, headquartered in the Centre, have partially granted the civil action filed by the former Praetor of the Buiucani sector in the municipality of Chisinau, Valeriu Nemerenco. As a result, the City Hall will be required to pay Nemerenco damages of 100,000 lei after opposing his reinstatement. According to an investigation by in September 2022, the Chisinau City Hall was required to pay at least 2.3 million lei, equivalent to 18 playgrounds, to the illegally dismissed praetors and vice-praetors.

The magistrates found that in the case of Valeriu Nemerenco, the Chisinau Court violated his right to the execution of a court decision within a reasonable time, as laid out in the decisions of the Chisinau Court, Rîșcani branch, on December 03, 2020, and the Chisinau Court of Appeal on April 20, 2021. Judge Diana Tricolici ordered the collection of 100,000 lei as moral damages from the budget account of the state through the Ministry of Justice.

Valeriu Nemerenco served as Praetor of the Buiucani sector for almost 30 years. On July 25, 2018, interim General Mayor Ruslan Codreanu reconfirmed him in the position of Praetor, with the status of public dignity for a four-year term. Over a year later, on May 14, 2019, the same mayor dismissed him.

Later, on May 16, 2019, Nemerenco was appointed as Vice Praetor, from where he was dismissed by the interim General Mayor Adrian Talmaci on September 16, 2019. Valeriu Nemerenco challenged the orders of both mayors, citing the reasons for his revocation.

On December 3, 2020, the Chisinau Court, Râșcani branch, ordered the City Hall to reinstate Valeriu Nemerenco as Praetor and pay his salary for the forced absence from work between May 15, 2019, and December 3, 2020, amounting to over 300,000 lei. The magistrates also ordered the collection of moral damages in the amount of 10,000 lei.

On September 28, 2021, the Chisinau Court of Appeal rejected the appeal of Mayor General Ion Ceban and upheld the decision of the Chisinau Court, Râșcani branch, regarding the revocation from the position of Vice Praetor. On October 20, 2021, the mayor appealed the decision of the Chisinau Court of Appeal to the CSJ, but the appeal was rejected.

Viorica Mija

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