Impact of an investigation by CIJM: Five other prosecutors, targeted in the controls of the National Integrity Authority

Irina Odobescu
Colaj: CIJM

The National Integrity Authority (ANI) acts following the investigations carried out by the Center for Investigative Journalism (CIJM). Five other prosecutors were targeted by the institution, as a result of the investigation „Poor" prosecutors with apartments, houses and tens of thousands of euros donated by parents and relatives.

ANI writes that last week it initiated six investigations, targeting two prosecutors from the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office, three prosecutors from the Chisinau Prosecutor's Office and a prosecutor from the Soroca Prosecutor's Office.

The investigation  carried by CIJM titled „Poor" prosecutors with apartments, houses and tens of thousands of euros donated by parents and relatives reveal that every fourth prosecutor in the Republic of Moldova reported in the 2020 statements on property that they received donations from parents, mothers-in-law , brothers, sisters or other close relatives.

Reporters of the portal screened the statements on property of all prosecutors in Moldova and found that over 170 state prosecutors out of the nearly 700 working today in the Prosecutor's Office structures indicated in the statements on property, submitted to the National Integrity Authority that they received generous gifts last year - houses, apartments, land or tens of thousands of euros.

The ANI leadership previously said that it acted in recent years, following the investigations published on anticorupţ, in the case of the property of magistrates, prosecutors and other civil servants.

Irina Odobescu

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