Impact of an investigation by CIJM. Orhei Prosecutor

Julieta Saviţchi

The owner of the wedding hall and the shops next to the exhibition hall in the Old Orhei Reservation could be deprived of the land where the building is located. The Orhei district prosecutor's office filed a complaint following the investigation by the Center of Investigative Journalism in Moldova (CIJM) that revealed a scheme of seizing an 11-acre plot of land in an area under special protection by the state.

The information was confirmed by the prosecutor from Orhei Ana Carasic who manages the case. Ana Carasic said that a notification was sent to the Prosecutor's Office by the director of the Old Orhei Reservation Ion Ciobanu, who complained about these irregularities and requested the intervention of law enforcement officers in order to return it to the state.

Ana Carasic said that under the article 71 of the Civil Code, the prosecutor has the right to initiate civil actions to the state’s interest.

"The self-notification based on the journalistic investigation and the complaint signed by the director of the reservation were merged in a procedure. Now we are checking all the factual and legal circumstances and we will take a decision according to the law", said Ana Carasic.

The Center for Investigative Journalism of Moldova has published two investigations about the wedding hall built on the territory of the Old Orhei Reservation.

The second investigation revealed the scheme by which the former director of the Reservation and the owner of the wedding hall Lilia Colta seized 11 acres of land right next to the exhibition hall, and to make sure, she alienated the land on her niece’s name, who later leased it to her for a period of 69 years.

Julieta Saviţchi

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