Inquiry Commission in Parliament // MPs are late to submit the report on schemes with anabolic steroids described on the Corruption Map

Parliament has established a month ago an inquiry committee to check the activity of employees of Posta Moldovei (Moldova Post) after schemes of smuggling with anabolic steroids were implemented with the help of this institution. The nine MPs demanded additional time to finalize the report, though the document was supposed to be ready these days. The decision to set up the committee was taken after a notification about these schemes was published on the Corruption Map of portal  

The Commission was established on April 21 and it includes nine MPs from all factions. Though, initially the MPs had to present within a month to the Legislative the report "on the involvement of policy makers and other employees of the State Enterprise  Posta Moldovei in organizing illegal transportation  of prohibited substances with the help of this enterprise, outside the territory of the Republic of Moldova ", the document was not finalized yet.  

"I wrote all requests for documents to public institutions. The deadline for presenting the report was extended by two months because of Easter holidays", said  MP Grigore  Cobzac.

Earlier Prime Minister Pavel Filip asked the Information and Security Service, Customs Service, National Anticorruption Center and Interior Ministry to investigate the details revealed in the notification.

Customs Service found "a significant participation of public authorities, and sometimes even the impossibility to perform   a detailed customs control" in the scheme of smuggling with anabolic steroids. Afterwards,  the General Prosecutor's Office confirmed that it had opened a criminal case.

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