Judge Oleg Melniciuc, who was convicted for illicit enrichment, is demanding damages from the state.

Viorica Mija
Colaj CIJM

Oleg Melniciuc, the only judge convicted in the first court for illicit enrichment, has sued the Ministry of Justice in court. The judge, who is also known for referring to journalists as  “unscrupulous”, is demanding reparation for the damage "caused by the illegal actions of the criminal investigation and preliminary investigation bodies, the prosecutor's office, and the courts." Anticorupție.md uncovered how Oleg Melniciuc's mother and several relatives chose apartments in the residential block on Hristo Botev Street 6, in Chisinau, which were intended for judges.

The first session to prepare the case initiated by Oleg Melniciuc against the Ministry of Justice started on the wrong foot. Judge Georgeta Grozav declared an abstention, and her request is to be examined. The next meeting is scheduled for May 11.

Oleg Melniciuc was sentenced, in the first instance, to 7 years with execution for illicit enrichment. The Anenii Noi Court, Varniţa office, pronounced Melniciuc's sentence on September 3, 2021, four years after the case for illicit enrichment was started.

As the sentence is not final, the judge can continue to exercise his mandate. The punishment will be implemented only if the Chisinau Court of Appeal upholds the decision of the first instance.

Until a final sentence is given, certain assets of his family, such as a share in a building, as well as a Mercedes car registered in the name of his wife, Diana Melniciuc, have been seized. The total value of these assets is 1 million lei.

Professional ethics are not the strong suit of Judge Oleg Melniciuc. In 2013, during a public meeting, the magistrate called journalists as “unscrupulous”.  His candidacy was previously rejected by President Nicolae Timofti on the grounds that he violated the code of ethics several times and had been judged while being in a conflict of interest. Later, however, he was promoted to the head of the District Court of Râşcani in Chisinau.


Viorica Mija

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