Several officials of the Agency for Interventions and Payments in Agriculture (AIPA) have been accused of accepting kickbacks in the amount of approximately 150,000 lei under the contract to subsidize farmers. The accusations were made at a press conference by the head of the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office, Veronika Dragalin, and the director of the National Anti-Corruption Center (CNA), Yulian Rusu.
According to Rusu, a scheme was uncovered in which 10% of funds from the funds provided contrary to legislative provisions were transferred to AIPA officials through intermediaries. These sums amounted to 150,000 lei for each grant contract. Additionally, another case involving a loss of 3.5 million lei was revealed in another territorial administration. Despite the maximum limits that were established by the law and the internal rules of AIPA, subsidies were provided illegally.
The director of the CNA also reported that 26 criminal cases have been initiated in relation to the allegations of abuse of power, passive and active corruption, influence peddling , and money laundering. These cases involve AIPA employees, mayors, economic agents, and representatives of public organizations.
Veronika Dragalin reported that 6 people have been detained, 6 more will be investigated while in custody, and 24 are still in the process of being documented.
On Tuesday morning, the National Anti-Corruption Center officers conducted raids in several settlements of the country in connection with abuses and corruption committed when issuing agricultural subsidies.
Over the past 8 years, the portal has reported several cases and arrests for corruption in AIPA with reference to law enforcement agencies. Corruption schemes in the agency were also revealed during the investigation of the Center for Investigative Journalism from Moldova.
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