The General Prosecutor's Office Needs a New Strategy to Recover the Money Stolen from the Banking System

Ilie Gulca
Procuratura Generală

The General Prosecutor's Office (GPO) believes that, in order to recover the stolen billion, the Republic of Moldova needs a "complex strategic" document, reports Anticoruptie with reference to a press release issued by the GPO.

The drafting and implementation of such a strategy go beyond the competencies of the Prosecutor's Office, that’s why the intervention of the Government and the Parliament is required.

In the opinion of the General Prosecutor's Office, the 2018 strategy was drafted during the “captured state” period and would protect Vlad Plahotniuc. The GPO stated that the document had never been registered with the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office, the GPO, National Anticorruption Center (NAC) or CARA (the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency), or approved by any joint order, although it is claimed that this document was prepared in June 2018 by the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office, NAC, and CARA and presented publicly by the former Prosecutor General Eduard Harunjen and former Deputy Anticorruption Prosecutor Adriana Bețișor.

Ilie Gulca

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