Communist MP Elena Bodnarenco and Liberal-Democrat MP Maria Ciobanu were cited by National Anti-Corruption Centre (CNA) after they said that many MPs were proposed large sums of money or other benefits in exchange for voting for the Democratic candidate for the office of Prime Minister. Elena Bodnarenco says that she has not received the citation yet but she is ready to provide details to Anti-corruption officers. Maria Ciobanu claims that her assistant was contacted by CNA employees on Friday, February 5, to send the citation. "We have the right, as MPs, to make any political statement, and the institution of Chetraru is obliged by law to take action and gather evidence", the MP wrote on the social network Facebook.
CNA took notice of MP Elena Bodnarenco’s statements on the following day. Communist MP said in mid-January in an interview for the regional newspaper "Observatorul de Nord" that the 14 MPs who quitted the Communist Party and created the social-democratic platform "For Moldova" received money or were blackmailed into criminal cases. Also, Elena Bodnarenco admitted that she was proposed money or offices to quit the Communist Party.
Liberal-Democrat MP Maria Ciobanu hinted that several colleagues from the Liberal-Democratic Party in Moldova (PLDM) that voted with Filip government were promised benefits.” We will find soon, how Al Capone de Grozesti “convinced” MPs from PLDM to sign the list of shame... Yesterday, our voters in the Great National Assembly Square insistently asked me: WHO and WHAT disturbs the psychological comfort of the six MPs? Plahotniuc established a so-called parliamentary majority from two fractions, 19 (PDM) + 13 (PL) MPs. In a word, Al Capone of Grozesti has "formalized" a parliamentary majority in his image", wrote Maria Ciobanu on the social network Facebook.
"We examined all the information in the press, and this week I sent citations both to Elena Bodnarenco and Maria Ciobanu", Angela Starinschi, spokeswoman of CNA said for portal.
On the other hand, MP from PCRM said that she had not received the citation. "I am waiting. I am open to press statements", said Elena Bodnarenco.
"Today, my assistant was called by an employee of CNA to meet and get the citation on my name. We have the right, as MPs, to make any political statement, and the institution of Chetraru (Viorel Chetraru, Director of the National Anti-corruption Center) is obliged by law to take action and gather evidence. There is plenty of evidence; CNA must show will and freedom in its activity! ", Maria Ciobanu commented on Facebook. has recently presented profiles of 14 runners from PCRM, 7 Liberal-Democrats and three unaffiliated MPs who helped to create the current parliamentary majority and voted for the government led by Pavel Filip. We revealed information about their ascension in politics, businesses, properties and criminal cases on some of their or their relatives’ names.
Just one case of attempted corruption among MPs is being examined at the court so far. Two people were arrested in March 2014 as they tried to give $ 250,000 to an intermediary. An MP who was supposed to quit his party would get the money. Under the criminal investigation, anticorruption prosecutors and CNA officers found half a million euros in one of the commercial banks in the capital, in a safe rented by one of the defendants. According to police, the money was intended to bribe other two MPs.
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