Candidate for presidential elections on behalf of the Party of Socialists (PSRM) Igor Dodon and candidate of the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS), the Dignity and Truth Platform Party and Liberal Democratic Party Maia Sandu will compete in the second round, according to the results announced by the Central Election Commission (CEC) after processing 99.42 per cent of the reports.
"This information is preliminary, until the Central Election Commission presents original election documents. The constituency councils are offered 48 hours after closing polling stations in order to present report on results of district elections", said Alina Russu, president of CEC.
Alina Russu also said that if none of the candidates in presidential elections picked up at least half of citizens’ votes, the second round would be organized for the first two candidates in descending order of number of votes in first round. For now, Maia Sandu gained 38.42% and Igor Dodon - 48.23%. The second round will take place in two weeks.
Representatives of CEC inform, that according to preliminary data, 1.436.241 citizens (49, 03%) voted in the presidential elections from October 30. The highest voter turnout was registered in Chisinau, 352.585 citizens (54, 43%).
On the other hand, the lowest voter turnout was registered in district Cantemir, 19.981 voters (40%). According to data of the CEC, 67.150 Moldovan citizens voted in the polling stations opened abroad: Italy - 21.904, Romania - 9.440, France - 5.139, Russia - 4.578, Great Britain- 4.002 voters.
Almost 53% of the total number of voters were women.
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