Queues at polling stations in several cities worldwide. Moldovans from Italy, France, UK, Romania, Russia crossed hundreds of kilometers and they queue to cast their votes.
Thus, according to some voters in London, Moldovan citizens queue patiently at the polling station opened at the Moldovan embassy in this region. "I woke up at 4 o’clock in the morning to go to the polling station. We are waiting. Many people came from distant regions and they are happy to vote ", said Veronica Coroi, a student who came to London from Manchester to cast her vote.
"We came to the polling station in London, Stratford. There are a lot of people, very many young people who hope and want changes. Many of them took a day off to come to vote today. All of them are patient and in good mood", said Ludmila Gorgos.
"The building is full. The line moves quickly. We are served with hot tea. People keep coming and coming and all of them are happy after they vote. There are many supporters of Maia Sandu, but I met supporters of Igor Dodon”, wrote Denis Telepan, another voter from Stratford Centre in London.
Carolina Vieri, a young woman from Paris said that she went to the polling station early in the morning in the French capital and there were some dozens of persons lined up. “There are about 50 people in front of me", said Carolina.
There is a high number of Moldovans at polling stations in Italy. People say that they have to wait in line for hours to cast their vote.
Polling stations in Moscow see large crowds. According to Lucia Dodi, 5 polling stations were supposed to be opened, but only 2 of them operate. "The line is very long. I stayed in a queue an hour and a half to vote. People with health problems were allowed to cast their votes without staying in a queue. My mother has heart problems and she did not queue. It is cold outside and they brought buses here and you go inside and get warm. Also, they bring food ", says Lucia.
Oleg Macovei, a young man who went to vote in Iasi, said that the queue at the polling station is growing bigger. In Bucharest, the queue at the polling station opened at the Romanian Cultural Institute covers tens of meters. Our citizens queue on the crosswalk. "Tears welled in my eyes when I saw how many people are here. I am happy that this nation gets together in such moments. Let’s do it, Moldova! And only 3,000 ballot papers. What a shame ", says Cristian Iaz.
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