ANI will check the property of several prosecutors, targeted in an investigation by the Center of Investigative Journalism

Julieta Savițchi

The National Integrity Authority (ANI) took note and will check the property of several prosecutors from the Prosecutor's Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases (PCCOCS), targeted in an investigation on the portal of the Center of Investigative Journalism.

According to a statement from ANI, 5 referral notes were registered against 5 prosecutors targeted in the investigation for "prior control in order to make decisions, in the light of the reasonable suspicion of starting control procedures over property and personal interests".

The statement also shows that, prior to the publication of the aforementioned article, the integrity inspectors started the control over the property of 2 prosecutors whose names appear in the investigation. Also, ANI started controls into other prosecutors from PCCOCS who are not mentioned in the investigation on the portal.

According to ANI statistics, since the beginning of 2020, 9 cases were started against the prosecutors from the General Prosecutor's Office, the Anti-corruption Prosecutor's Office, PCCOCS, the Chisinau Municipal Prosecutor's Office, Prosecutor’s offices from the Ialoveni and Sangerei districts.

We remind that the portal published late this month the investigation "Donations and properties with little money: How prosecutors from PCCOCS face it". It reveals how several prosecutors lowered prices for real estate and cars or justify their properties through donations.

Julieta Savițchi

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