Center for Investigative Journalism, awarded at the European Union Awards Gala for Civil Society
Delegatia UE la Chisinau

The Center for Investigative Journalism received on Thursday, July 12, a Special Mention for Communication and Visibility at the European Union Awards Gala for Civil Society. The Special Mention was given for the Campaign "Public money is my money too", carried out in partnership with the Association for Efficient and Responsible Governance, a project backed by the EU Delegation in Chisinau and co-funded by Endowment for Democracy.

The EU prizes for the civil society is premiered by the EU Delegation in the Republic of Moldova to reward and encourage tangible achievements and initiatives by civil society organizations at national, regional and local levels that made a lasting and positive impact on the Republic of Moldova’s democracy, economic development and social cohesion and promoted European values.

The first edition of this contest ended in Awards Gala that rewarded excellence in civil society initiatives financed by the European Union in Moldova.

In addition to the five awards, several Special Mentions were given to reward the change promoted by civil society to improve the lives of citizens and for better communication with them.

The campaign "Public money is my money too" was conducted between 2015-2017. Under this campaign, 10 regional NGOs, guided by AGER, monitored public procurement carried out by 30 public authorities. The team of journalists of the Center for Investigative Journalism carried out over 50 journalistic investigations that revealed corruption schemes, mismanagement of public money, party interests, and links between public procurement and the funding of political parties.

Textele de pe pagina web a Centrului de Investigații Jurnalistice sunt realizate de jurnaliști, cu respectarea normelor deontologice și sunt protejate de dreptul de autor. Preluarea textelor știrilor și a investigațiilor jurnalistice se realizează în limita maximă de 500 de semne. În mod obligatoriu, în cazul paginilor web (portaluri, agenții, instituţii media sau bloguri) trebuie indicat şi linkul direct la articolul preluat de pe în primul alineat, iar în cazul posturilor de radio și TV – se citează obligatoriu sursa.

Preluarea integrală a textelor se poate realiza doar în condiţiile unui acord prealabil semnat cu Centrul de Investigații Jurnalistice.

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