CIJM launches first series of debates in Moldova - candidates are invited to discussions with investigative journalists
Foto: CIJM

Center for Investigative Journalism in Moldova starts public debates in the campaign “Transparent Presidential Elections" with candidates in the elections dated October 30, 2016.

The first debate will be held Monday, September 26 and will last about two hours (14.00-16.00). Based on the registration list compiled by the Central Election Commission, 3 contenders are invited at each event. The debates will be streamed live on portals and

"It is important for citizens to be informed about candidates who run in the presidential elections. By these public debates, we want to offer to citizens the opportunity to get to know the candidates better. Investigative journalists are inquiring into the integrity of officials, their undeclared wealth, involvement in illegal businesses, so they will ask questions to contenders", says Cornelia Cozonac, President of CIJM.

Campaign for the transparent presidential elections  is organized by the Center for Investigative Journalism in partnership with Ziarul de Garda and the Center for Analysis and Prevention of Corruption (CAPC), under the "Shining a light on Election Transparency in Moldova" project, held with the support of Freedom House.

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