CIJM wins the lawsuit at the Court of Appeal which businessman Thomas Moser initiated following a journalistic investigation into Giurgiulesti Port

On July 20, the Center for Investigative Journalism won the trial at the Court of Appeal of Chisinau, which the businessman Thomas Moser and the ICS Danube Logistics SRL initiated following the publication of an investigation involving the two complainants. CJJM won the lawsuit in the court of first instance on March 10, and shortly Thomas Moser challenged the decision. After the case was tried in the court of appeal, the magistrates rejected the appeal and upheld the decision of the Chisinau Court based in Buiucani.

Thomas Moser appealed the court after almost a year ago published a wide-ranging investigation "False Flags of Moldova: Azerbaijan-Netherland's Track", demanding to be admitted that his honor, dignity and professional reputation was violated. Also, the businessman asked the Portal to publicly deny Thomas Moser’s involvement and the ICS Danube Logistics SRL in the schemes described in the investigation and  to pay for the legal expenses and for the lawyer's fees.

Thomas Moser is mentioned in the description of the story about the dubious concession of Giurgiulesti Port, based on some financial schemes. Also, with reference to Thomas Moser, the journalists reported about the dubious registration of foreign ships under the Moldovan flag, which caused financial losses and damage to the country.

The Center for Investigative Journalism was represented by lawyer Valeriu Plesca in this trial.

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