Court of Appeal dismissed the application of Platform DA on canceling the registration of Democrats’ candidate Marian Lupu
Marian Lupu Foto:

The Court of Appeal rejected today in a public hearing, the application submitted by representatives of the Platform DA Party, on the CEC decision on canceling the registration of candidate of PDM, Marian Lupu in the presidential race, declaring it unfounded.

Previously, experts of the Promo-Lex Association concluded that the CEC violated the law by registering Lupu's candidacy on Saturday, September 2.

„ From our viewpoint, CEC violated its own decision Nb.122 related to the order and modality to receive necessary documents for candidates’ registration. On the day of September, 3, 2016, the CEC could activate in the view of task achievement, including to receive documents for initiative groups' registration, but not to register candidates for the post of president, because in this way, indirectly, it favored the PD candidate Marian Lupu. This is not about violation of some legal stipulations, but of a decision approved by CEC”, said Pavel Postica, program director at Promo-Lex.  

Iurie Ciocan member of the Commission said for  that CEC  did not register the candidate of Democrats on Saturday, but accepted just the documents. "For us, it was a typical work day, like the other 60 days left before the elections start. There is a judgment ruling that all days are working days for us, including Saturday or Sunday", said Iurie Ciocan.

Marian Lupu was the first officially registered presidential candidate after just a day after the initiative group was registered, brought lists with 29 thousand signatures in his support. The performance has been criticized by many opponents of the Democratic MP, who said that it was impossible to collect such a large number of signatures in a short time.

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