Doc // Following several requests for information, reporter of the Center for Investigative Journalism was summoned by Police
Piaţa improvizată la Gara Feroviară. Foto: CIJM

Division of Corruption Fighting of the Internal Protection and  Anti-corruption Service of the Interior Ministry summoned a reporter of the Center for Investigative Journalism Center, after the journalist sent several requests for information. The reporter asked, among others, a comment on a possible corruption case of policemen in case of an improvised market near the Railway Station. The police did not answer the question, but summoned the reporter for interview “about  the examination of material on providing information about unlawful  actions of the employees of Police, manifested in acts of corruption in relation to traders at  the Railway Station" . Moreover, police refered to the Code of Criminal Procedure and warned the reporter that she will be forced to appear at the Interior Ministry or will pay fines if she does not respect the term set in the summons.

She sent requests for information starting with April and the last one was dated June 9 and was sent to the email of the Press Service of the Interior Ministry. The requests were filed after the journalist Mariana Colun was notified by several citizens about the fact that the commercial activity near the railway station is well planned, including by bribing policemen. Subsequently, the journalist asked whether she had any capacity to stand trial. Employees of the Interior Ministry did not make any statement to this effect. 

Lawyer Valeriu Plesca regards the actions of the employees of the Interior Ministry as "strange", especially since the summons was issued following a simple request for information. "When a journalist makes a written request for information, the institution either offers the information or refuses by reasoned written request. At least this is in line with the law on access to information. It seems strange to summon a journalist to "questioning" simply because she asked this information. Even stranger is the situation when you summon a journalist based on reference to articles of the Criminal Procedure Code, applicable in the criminal case, you tell him that she will be forced to appear at the Interior Ministry  without having initated a criminal case. "Questioning" is not regulated by procedural rules based on which you  want to act. I find it difficult to understand what actually the investigation officer  wanted to convey by this summons", said lawyer Valeriu Plesca.

President of CIJM Cornelia Cozonac regards the actions of the police as abuse and direct attack on press freedom. "We are surprised that lately the number of actions of pressure on journalists, media that investigate, criticize and address current issues of public interest is increasing. This summons is abusive, which seeks to put pressure on the journalist who started a press inquiry, at the notification of citizens and was supposed to document over the abuses and corruption acts of policemen.  The journalist is free to investigate any subject of public interest, by using available tools, including requests for information. Any action on behalf of the police to obtain information from the investigative process of the journalist is an attack on press freedom and an interference with the journalist's work", said Cornelia Cozonac.

In early June, Police Inspectorate in Taraclia ordered the questioning of journalists and confiscation of all materials which served as basis of an investigation about the lake in the town that became private property, through a dubious scheme. Policemen wanted to know exactly who ordered the publication of the material and provided video to reporters.

Media organizations have condemned the abusive actions against investigative journalists and demanded resignation of persons from state institutions who have committed actions of persecution and authoritarian coercion. Also, the Center for Investigative Journalism asked the Interior Ministry and Prosecutor General's Office to come up with a response. As a result, the Interior Ministry ordered an investigation to elucidate the circumstances of the incident. Speaker Andrian Candu sent a resolution to the General Prosecutor's Office and called on prosecutors to investigate how the pond  became private property. In the end, the case was stopped.

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