Impact of an investigation by the Center of Investigative Journalism in Moldova: Integrity inspectors to decide on the control into the property of the councilor from Hancesti

Julieta Saviţchi


The National Integrity Authority (ANI) acted on Wednesday, following the publication by the Center for Investigative Journalism of the investigation Socialist Councilors from Hancesti: huge property with a modest salary. The notification act was signed recently by the director of ANI, Rodica Antoci.

The press officer of ANI, Maria Dastic, informed us that the self-notification document was sent to the inspectors, who will decide, within 15 days, on the initiation of the control into the property of the three subjects targeted in the investigation.

The investigation on the portal shows that Ivan Ududovici, councilor of Hânceşti district, and two of his sons, who served public positions, allegedly violated the regime of declaring personal property and interests. Ivan Ududovici and his wife declared for last year only incomes from the salary of 114,000 lei.

His eldest son, Dumitru Ududovici, deputy director of the Investment Fund in Moldova, did not report at least three car transactions and several donations, including 50,000 euros earned at the christening party of the child. 

Ivan Ududovici explained the non-declaration of property as a "technical error".

Julieta Saviţchi

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