Inspections in schools and kindergartens following a notification on child nutrition on the Corruption Map

Mayor of the capital Dorin Chirtoaca addressed the issue of children nutrition in schools and kindergartens in the weekly meeting of the City Hall, after a group of parents notified us last week on Corruption Map about the quality and quantity of food provided to children. The mayor ordered checks in schools and kindergartens to solve the problem.

"We took notice of this information. The problem relates mostly to sausage.  The menu in pre-school and pre-university institutions is coordinated and compiled together with employees from Public Health Centre.  As for sausage, the law really allows us to give sausage to kids, but the proportion must not exceed 20% fat. We are going to investigate this problem. I believe that this is an artificial problem, that we feed our children with do not know what kind of sausage or meat", said Alexandru  Fleas, deputy head of the General Directorate of Education, Youth and Sport of Chisinau.

Dorin Chirtoaca called on Alexandru Fleas to meet with parents who noticed the problem, but also to go to several institutions to investigate the situation there. "You should go to some institutions, check with all sides involved and come with a conclusion on this matter. This issue must be explained as it attracts public attention. It is easy to panic and it is harder to restore balance and peace", said the mayor.

Parents who have notified us on the Corruption Map addressed several questions to authorities. For example, they tried to find out which are the principles of compiling the menu, quantity of basic products included in the menu, the nutritional value of daily meals, the ratio of nutritional components and the daily amount of sugar and fresh fruits and vegetables included in the menu.

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