Klaus Iohannis congratulates Maia Sandu for the “historic victory achieved”

Olga Vîrlan
Sursa: Președinția Republicii Moldova

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis congratulated Maia Sandu for her “historic victory achieved” in the presidential elections in the Republic of Moldova. “This achievement irreversibly anchors the country’s destiny in the European family,” noted the Romanian head of state.

“Congratulations, Maia Sandu, for the historic victory achieved. The Romanian people stand with the citizens of the Republic of Moldova in this success, which irreversibly anchors the country’s destiny in the European family.

With the new mandate entrusted to you, you have a unique chance to continue and strengthen the reforms and progress of the last four years to ensure stability, prosperity, and peace. Romania remains the most dedicated supporter of Moldova’s development,” read the message posted by the Romanian president on the social media platform X.

According to the latest information provided by the Central Electoral Commission (CEC), following the processing of 2,216 out of 2,219 voting reports, Maia Sandu wins her second term as President of the Republic of Moldova, securing 55.41 percent of the electorate's votes.

Olga Vîrlan

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