Minister of Justice: "The media is no longer a source of reliable information; therefore National Integrity Authority will not sensitize itself from media". What the experts say
Vladimir Cebotari. Foto: CIJM

The media is no longer a source of reliable information, so the National Integrity Agency (NIA) will not be sensitize itself from media, said Minister of Justice Vladimir Cebotari, in an interview for the portal Moldova Curata. The official argued on excluding from the Law of NIA of media means as sources used by integrity inspectors to sensitize themselves and perform checks. Media experts regard the statements of the official as outrageous and consider that the official should be scrutinized for his statements.

According to the Minister of Justice, the press was divided by political preferences lately and had been involved in the most serious problems in Moldova, as the bank fraud. "It is known and indisputable that articles are published upon request and people from all parties speak about it, journalists and readers. Unfortunately, parity and fairness of opinions are not respected. I do not mean everyone, but sadly, the press is discredited   with the political class. From this point of view, it cannot become a reliable source of information.  This was revealed by the National Integrity Commission, which had so many notifications from press articles that  have not been sufficiently documented, they  only created workload, failed to produce any results, but consumed significant resources" , said Vladimir Cebotari in the interview.

Alina Radu, director of  Ziarul de Garda claims that by this statement, the Minister of Justice has undermined the fourth power in the state. "If the Minister of Justice launches such a public message, then he encourages other structures and officials to blame or ignore the press. If a Minister of Justice treats all the press alike, all journalists –who respect or do not respect the ethical code, those who carry out investigations and interviews of maximum public interest and  politicians- then this minister cannot be a guarantor of justice for journalists and contributes to the deterioration of press", says Alina Radu.

Petru Macovei, executive director of the Independent Press Association qualifies as scandalous the statements of the official. "That means that the state, in general, denies the importance of media in the democratic process. The minister’s statement, delicately speaking, is not true. There is plenty of quality press in Moldova. Teams of journalists are conducting very good, well documented investigations and signal serious misconduct based on which the National Integrity Commission was informed and adopted decisions. It is not our fault that the NIC, which was a political tool, took duplicitous decision. The Minister must either rethink his statement or quit the seat. To make such statements, to treat all media alike in a country, where justice field is reformed and seems to join European values, you must be scrutinized immediately. I would be happy if he is first scrutinized by the public and journalists ", said Petru Macovei.

Cornelia Cozonac, president of the Center for Investigative Journalism, argues that both law enforcement officials and those from the NIA should be obliged by law to adequately respond to any violation of the regulatory framework, inadequate behavior of civil servants, including issues of integrity in public service, issues which are often revealed by investigative journalists.

"The press cannot be excluded from sources of information for law enforcement or integrity inspectors, regardless of how credible is the press for officials. Statement of the Minister of Justice is inadequate, given that the authorities have committed to international bodies to fight corruption, to increase the level of integrity in public service and to promote the rights and freedoms of citizens. The press, as it is in Moldova, has revealed very many problematic cases related to the integrity of officials. We will not exaggerate if we say that journalists have done it more times than institutions authorized to do so and that  are paid from public money", said Cornelia Cozonac.

To this effect, the journalist said that the Center for Investigative Journalism carried out investigations about Vladimir Cebotari who was in the attention of the National Integrity Commission. One of the investigations showed that Fly One, the new airline registered in autumn last year, has as founders of this company Maria Cebotari, wife of the current Minister of Justice and his sister, Mariana Tabuica is the new executive director.  The Minister confirmed that his family started a new business and it's just a way to earn a living. "Just like any citizen of this country, I cope with problems", argued the official. He gets a monthly income estimated at 16,000 lei at the Ministry.   

Also, the investigation on portal wrote that Mircea Maleca hid behind his former father-in-law from Leova, which was denied by the former director of CAA. This is confirmed in a letter that had been signed by Mihai Balan, director of the Service of Information and Security (ISS),  that came into possession of portal.

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