Moldova is in the Top Ten by the Number of Applications at the ECtHR Compared to the Country's Population

Mădălin Necșuțu

The European Court of Human Rights released its activity report for 2020. According to the report, 1050 pending applications were filed against Moldova as of December 31, 2020, which ranks the country 11th out of 47 states (1,056 applications in 2019 and 9th place), LHR informs.

Of these, 532 applications targeting Moldova were allocated to a judicial body (635 applications in 2019); 250 requests were communicated to the Government (301 requests in 2019); 32 judgments were pronounced (54 judgments in 2019).

According to the number of applications allocated to a judicial body in relation to the country's population, Moldova is in 9th place, with an index of 1.47 applications per 10,000 inhabitants. In 2019, Moldova was ranked 5th, with an index of 1.79 applications per 10,000 inhabitants.

Mădălin Necșuțu

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