Moldova's ambassador to Romania, Victor Chirila: „Moldova is not a free rider towards European Union”

Cornelia Cozonac

Moldova's ambassador to Romania, Victor Chirila, says Moldova is better prepared to join the EU than some countries, which now have this perspective, but says the diplomat, "In order to do all this, it is essential that Moldova maintain internal stability and avoid unnecessary challenges from within and without ”.

„Moldova is not a free rider towards European Union. We have earned heavily the right to request the EU’s membership. We paid it with our blood in 1992 when we were left alone to defend our liberty, dignity and independence against Russian troops and Cossacks that came God knows how to take our land and “denazify” us. City of Bender and many peaceful villages were indiscriminately bombarded, ten of thousands lost their houses, thousands lost their loved ones, 1000 of our defenders lost their lives.

Since then Moldova went slowly but steadily preparing itself for earning the right to apply for EU’s membership. Today, in many fields, we are better prepared to be part of EU then some countries that already have EU’s membership perspective. And despite some temporary syncopes, Moldova’s pluralism and democracy continued unabated. Moreover, our economy and trade are connected/integrated stronger than ever to/with EU’s common market.

Moldova doesn’t need a special European integration TGV, we built our own TGV. Our country has been the first EaP state that signed Visa liberalization agreement, Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement with the EU. And we have achieved all of this due to our hard work and perseverance, riding on our own TGV!

Today, we are side by side with Ukrainian people against this terrible and unjustified war that threatens our liberty, democracy and independence. Moldova does everything it can to help Ukraine and it’s aggrieved people. Over 250 000 refugees from Ukraine have entered our country so far, and this means almost 10% of our current population. More than 100 000 refugees, out of which 40 000 children remained in Moldova and we are doing everything to accommodate them, providing them with protection and all necessary support.

Yet, in order to be able to do all of these, it is paramount for Moldova to preserve its internal stability and to avoid any needless provocation coming from inside and outside.

Does Ukraine need a chaos in its front yard with EU? We don’t think so! That’s why our friends should be mindful while being tempted to criticize and blame unfairly Moldova for not joining yet EU’s sanctions against Russia. My advise to our friends: before criticizing us, listen please to our arguments!

We will continue to be side by side with Ukrainian people not because we, Moldovans, need a free ride to EU, but because, like us 30 years ago, they are fighting for their and our liberty, dignity, democracy and independence!

Finally, we stay side by side with our Ukrainian friends because we know how is to fight alone for your liberty against a mighty war machine!

And please don’t question our Moral stance, it is disrespectful”,  writes the ambassador of the Republic of Moldova in Bucharest, Victor Chirilă, on his Facebook page.

Victor Chirilă has been the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to Romania since November 2021. He has a 25-year career in diplomacy, politics and associations. In this new position he came from the position of director of the Foreign Policy Association.

Cornelia Cozonac

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