Natalia Gavrilița visits agro-industrial complex owned by director targeted in CIJM investigation on non-performing loans.
Serviciul de Presă al Guvernului

Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița recently visited an agro-industrial complex in the village of Şișcani, Nisporeni district, which specializes in processing and drying fruits. The owner of the complex, Dorin Cibotaru, is currently the subject of an investigation by the Center for Investigative Journalism (CIJM) regarding non-performing loans that led to the bankruptcy of the former Banca de Economii of Moldova and the collapse of the banking system.

During the meeting with the Prime Minister, Cibotaru stated that he intends to apply for government support programs to become more competitive and better prepared for the European market. He also plans to develop and modernize the company, including increasing its production capacity and doubling the number of employees. The entrepreneur also said that he wants the company's products to end up on the tables of children in kindergartens and schools in the country.

Prime Minister Gavrilița stated that the support of entrepreneurs is one of the government's priorities and that the government will continue to support the business environment through the Organization for the Development of Entrepreneurship, including the FACEM fund, which provides long-term credit lines at fixed interest rates so that economic agents can better plan their investments. The Prime Minister also mentioned that the government has already identified new markets for local producers.

CIJM published an investigation last summer entitled "Following the "billion": 30 million from Banca de Economii, "drowned" on the shore of a pond near Nisporeni" regarding loans amounting to more than 30 million lei, taken from Banca de Economii through a dubious scheme for a pledge that did not even cover a tenth of the amount. The bank managed to recover just under half a million of the huge loan after selling the pledge. The scheme involves one of the most prosperous businessmen from the Nisporeni district, Dorin Cibotaru, the son of the former president of the district and current councilor, Gheorghe Cibotaru, and the son-in-law of the judge of the Chisinau Court of Appeal, Ghenadie Morozan, brother-in-law of the former president of PDM, Vladimir Plahotniuc. Journalists from the portal uncovered the convoluted scheme of Nisporeni, which originated and was fueled by the "robbery of the century" in the Republic of Moldova.

It has been half a year since the publication of the investigation, however, the legal authorities have not announced whether they have self-reported.

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