National Integrity Commission’s controls over Vladimir Cebotari and Mircea Maleca, unachievable. 80 cases will be archived

Victoria Dodon
Vladimir Cebotari (stânga) și Mircea Maleca. Colaj CIJM. Foto: CIJM,

National Integrity Authority (NIA) will not question the conflict of interests  admitted in their activity by Vladimir Cebotari, Justice Minister and Mircea Maleca, former director of the Civil Aviation Authority, after revealed that both of them are business partners in the new airline Fly One. Controls initiated over these 2 officials will be archived along with other nearly 80 procedures and NIA did not take any action against these officials.  

Vladimir Cebotari and Mircea Maleca were in the sight of National Integrity Commission (NIC) members after the reporters wrote that Maria Cebotari, minister's wife, had  40% of shares of Fly One SRL company, while the sister of the official, Mariana Tabuica was elected executive director of this company. On the other hand, the director of the Civil Aviation Authority was affiliated to the company through his former father-in-law in Leova. After the journalistic investigations were published, the activity of Fly One and the conflict of interests admitted by Mircea Maleca came in the attention of the National Anticorruption Center. Anti-corruption officers asked the National Integrity Commission to pronounce itself and the procedures were initiated on June 30, 2016.

Previously,  Maleca denied any  links with Fly One SRL company but the information was confirmed by the Intelligence and Security Service, and Maleca was recently elected official manager of this company.  In October 2016, wrote that Minister's wife renounced her shares in the company and these were given to Andrei Turcanu, former commercial director of Air Moldova in the period when Ceborari served as director of the Legal Department. Also, according to the latest data from the State Registration Chamber, Mircea Maleca and Mariana Tabuica are members of the management council of the company together with  the Romanian  Nicu Berla. The latter served as manager until recently and currently owns only 20% shares of the business. 

In August 2016, Anatolie Donciu, president of NIC, promised that the 80 cases without solutions, initiated by the Commission, will be sent to inspectors of National Authority for Integrity (NAI), and employees of the new structure will start examining them when the institution is functional. This has not happened.

"The control procedure was suspended on 1 August and no checks were performed so far. I believe that it is the fault of the management committee, that has not taken a  stand on the bill that reached the Government. This bill   included the recommendation of European experts who proposed  that NIC members  act as integrity inspectors during the period of reorganization. This recommendation was ignored, leading to a break in control performing. The new inspectors will not examine the archived cases", said Victor Stratila, member of NIC in the meeting of the Integrity Council held on Monday, March 28.

Victoria Dodon

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