Party of Communists boycotts the presidential elections. We call on citizens not to vote

The Party of Communists in the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) will not participate at the presidential elections on October 30. The statement was made by the communist leader Vladimir Voronin after a 4-hour-long debate of the Executive Political Committee of the party.

"We boycott these elections because they are illegal and they are based on the amendments applied by the Constitutional Court on March 4. These amendments are unconstitutional and unfounded. That is why, this president will be elected illegally and all of his decrees will be illegal.  We hope that one day, this country will be ruled by devoted people who will respect the law. We cannot agree to these amendments and to what happens in the Parliament and in the country. We cannot vote this mafia ", said Voronin for the press.  

The politician said that the party members would discuss with the voters and will persuade them not to go to the polls. "God save Moldova if any of these candidates become president. Poor Moldova and poor people! Other than ambition, I do not see anything", added the communist leader.

In the first three days after the start of the presidential campaign, 13 candidates have asked the Central Election Commission the registration of initiative groups to support them in elections. Seven parties came for registration on the first day and five of the total number of those registered are independent candidates.


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