Prosecutor Vetting Commission Issues Three More Decisions on SCP Boards Candidates

Crina Dumitriu

The Prosecutor Vetting Commission completed the evaluation of three more candidates for the Superior Council of Prosecutors’ (SCP) Boards membership. As per the adopted decision, prosecutor Grigore Niculita, a candidate for SCP’s Selection and Evaluation Board, passed the evaluation. He was publicly heard on 18 October 2024.

The candidates to SCP’s Discipline and Ethics Board, Vladislav Gutan and Iancu Zaporojan, failed the evaluation. With regard to Vladislav Gutan, the Commission concluded that the candidate does not meet the ethical criteria set forth in law No. 26/2022. The candidate was heard in a public session on 9 October 2024.

Iancu Zaporojan failed the evaluation due to non-compliance with both financial and ethical integrity criteria. His hearing was held on 27 November 2024.

All three decisions were adopted unanimously.

The decisions were sent to the candidates and SCP. Under the law, the decisions will be made available to the public only if the candidates do not object to publication.

To date, the Commission has issued 28 decisions on candidates for SCP’s Boards.

Crina Dumitriu

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