Russian affiliated with Wagner group denied entry at Moldova border
Sursa: Poliția de Frontieră

A potential provocateur believed to be part of the Russian military group Wagner was denied entry into the Republic of Moldova at the Chisinau International Airport checkpoint. During the current week, a total of 182 foreign citizens have been turned away from the state border.

According to a press release from the Border Police, measures were taken based on risk analysis and information obtained from national authorities and international partners. This allowed them to detect a possible representative of the private military company in the Russian Federation (Wagner) among the flow of passengers at the Chisinau International Airport border crossing point. The individual in question was not authorized to cross the state border and was returned to their country of origin by air.

To mitigate security risks during the state of emergency in the Republic of Moldova and in the midst of Russia's war against Ukraine, security protocols have been strengthened at all state border crossing points. This includes increased border control for travelers, especially foreign nationals.

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