Russian missiles volate the sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova"s airspace yet again

Tatiana Gherța
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The Republic of Moldova's airspace was flown over by a Russian missile on Friday, according to confirmation from the Ministry of Defense. The ministry stated that the responsible departments within the institution detected the missile at 10:18.

The missile was observed flying over the town of Mocra in the Transnistrian region, followed by the town of Cosauți in the Soroca district, on its way towards Ukraine. The authorities have strongly condemned the violation of the country's airspace and are closely monitoring the situation in the region through the efforts of all relevant departments.

Meanwhile, the head of diplomacy for the Republic of Moldova, Nicu Popescu, has ordered the urgent summoning of the Russian Federation's ambassador to Chisinau, Oleg Vasnetsov, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This is to indicate to the Russian side the unacceptable violation of Moldova's airspace by the flight of a Russian missile over the sovereign territory of the Republic of Moldova on this day.

"We strongly reject the recent unfriendly actions and statements directed towards the Republic of Moldova, which are unacceptable to our people. We call on the Russian Federation to stop its military aggression against our neighboring country, which has caused numerous loss of human life and material destruction," stated Daniel Vodă, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration.

On October 10 of last year, three Russian missiles flew over the airspace of the Republic of Moldova. They traveled the following routes:

  1. From the towns of Ciornaia to Moghilev Podolsk (in Ukraine), then to Rîbnița, Soroca, and finally back to Moghilev Podolsk.

  2. From Ciornaia to Voronovka (in Ukraine), then to Rîbnitsa and Rudi (in Soroca).

  3. From Ciornaia (in Ukraine) to Popencu village (in the Republic of Moldova), then to Cineșcuți (in Floresti) in the direction of Ukraine.

The overflight was confirmed by responsible departments within the Ministry of National Defense of Romania and Ukraine.

It is important to note that on Friday morning, Russia launched a massive missile and drone attack in eastern Ukraine, resulting in seven people being injured.

Tatiana Gherța

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