The Intelligence and Security Service (SIS) has issued an order to suspend certain websites that promote false information related to national security during the state of emergency. The order, which was issued on Thursday, April 20, applies to,, and It is worth noting that the order has not yet been executed, as these three websites, which are full of false information, can still be accessed one day later. The same thing happened previously with blocked TV stations. uncovered in an investigation how three of the six TV stations that had their licenses suspended by the Commission for Exceptional Situations (CES) for failing to provide accurate information about national events and the war in Ukraine migrated to the frequencies of other TV stations, along with their teams and respective editorial policies for which they were criticized.
"The order containing mandatory instructions has been transmitted to network providers and/or electronic communications services to immediately block access by users from the Republic of Moldova to the mentioned sources in accordance with the law," the SIS note stated.
It should be noted that, according to Resolution No. 41 during the state of emergency, the Commission for Exceptional Situations of the Republic of Moldova will issue provisions to coordinate the activity of mass media regarding the introduction of special rules for the use of telecommunications, combating disinformation, fake news, and hate speech
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