The Club of Investigative Journalists: "CAPC presents the Monitoring Report on the oversight activity of the Parliament"

The Center for Investigative Journalism and the Center for the Analysis and Prevention of Corruption (CAPC) invite journalists and interested experts to a new session of the Club of Investigative Journalists titled "The Oversight Activity of the Parliament in the Last Two Years: Efficiency and Challenges in Reporting of Public and Anti-Corruption Institutions," on Wednesday, September 25, starting at 2:00 p.m.

During the Club of Investigative Journalists, a study conducted by CAPC on monitoring the oversight activity of the Parliament will be presented. The report will be presented by CAPC experts. Representatives of the Parliament and anti-corruption authorities have also been invited to the event.

During the discussions, we will address topics from the report regarding the oversight carried out by permanent committees and subcommittees created within some permanent committees, special and investigative committees of the Parliament, as well as interpellations and questions posed by members of Parliament to members of the Government and other public administration authorities.

We will also discuss simple motions, motions of no confidence, and the Government's accountability to the Parliament, as well as parliamentary control over the enforcement of the law. Another aspect of the discussions concerns the hearings of anti-corruption authorities in the Parliament and the annual reports of the Government and public authorities.

The Investigative Journalists' Club will take place at the CIJM headquarters (Șciusev Street 101/5, entrance from Maria Cebotari Street).

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