Negotiations regarding the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union must commence as soon as possible, by the end of the year, after fulfilling the 9 recommendations, according to the statement adopted on Thursday during the 13th meeting of the Parliamentary Association Committee for the Republic of Moldova - European Union.
According to MEP Siegfried Mureșan, the declaration also provides for a European regime of sanctions against oligarchs who wish to destabilize and corrupt the Republic of Moldova, as well as the establishment of a unit dedicated specifically to relations with Moldova at the level of the Neighborhood Directorate of the European Commission (EU).
The declaration adopted also includes four other crucial aspects for the Republic of Moldova, such as the allocation of more resources to the EU Hub for internal security and border management in the Republic of Moldova, total liberalization of EU-Moldova trade, increased European financial support for Moldova, and elimination of roaming charges between the EU and Moldova.
"We, along with members of the European Parliament and the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, representatives of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, as well as the European Commission and the European External Action Service, have expressed our unequivocal support for the increased European aid offered to the Republic of Moldova," wrote Siegfried Mureșan.
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