Training // Database information in service of the public interest

Mihaela Cibotaru

The use of open databases to obtain various information and details for documenting journalistic investigations or verifying hypotheses was the main topic of the training "Data Journalism and Information Verification Techniques." Participants also discussed the application of the Law on Access to Information of Public Interest in the documentation of materials. The training was organized as part of the project “Quality Investigative Journalism in the Interest of Citizens,” implemented by the Center for Investigative Journalism (CIJM) with support from International Media Support, Denmark.

Dumitru Lazur, a CIJM expert, introduced several online databases that can be used to obtain or verify information from various fields. "Authorities hold dozens, or perhaps even hundreds, of data sets, and it is crucial to determine which institution possesses the required information and where additional details on documented topics can be found," he noted. The expert gave an overview of various databases, both from public institutions and open-source databases that contain diverse datasets and information.

CIJM President Cornelia Cozonac provided examples of working with databases, including the E-Cadastru system and, and how they can be utilized in investigative journalism. “In Moldova, journalists have access to databases, an advantage that our colleagues in other countries may not enjoy. We just need to search and insist on finding the necessary information or details and be attentive to specifics,” she said.

Cornelia Cozonac also presented several high-profile investigative journalism pieces based on database information, such as “The Millions of the Unions,” which "predicted" what the authorities would later uncover – the schemes behind the billion-dollar theft. Additionally, thanks to the use of databases, unique materials have appeared on the portal, exposing schemes and revealing the undeclared assets of public figures, often registered under extended family members or relatives.

CIJM legal expert Sergiu Bozianu spoke to participants about the provisions of the new Law on Access to Information of Public Interest as a tool for documenting journalistic subjects. He explained that to obtain more precise information from authorities, a journalist must include enough details in their request to identify the required information, specify the preferred format for receiving the requested information, and provide their identifying information.

He also pointed out that the requester – whether an individual or a legal entity – is not required to justify their interest in public information. Additionally, he emphasized that information of public interest can be requested both verbally and in writing.

Sergiu Bozianu also discussed access to information with limited accessibility, such as personal data or information classified as a state secret, as well as the institutions journalists can turn to in cases of denied access to information.

Mihaela Cibotaru

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