Case of a driver who was bribed by 2 policemen, made public on Corruption Map, in the attention of the Interior Ministry

Interior Ministry took notice following a notification of a driver who complained that two policemen had demanded bribes. "We started an investigation and the materials are being analyzed. We are investigating the case", said Vitalie Moisei, Head of the Service of internal protection and anticorruption of the Interior Ministry.

According to the author of the notification, on May 10, while he was driving a car, he was stopped by two policemen, when he left Chisinau to pass the alcohol test. "Their charge for exceeding the limit of 0.15 blood alcohol content was $ 200. I was forced to pay 190 euros for 0.22 blood alcohol content. I was alone, and the previous resident of Odessa was taken in the car and convinced to pay a bribe. One of the "policemen” stopped clients and the other person talked to them in the car and convinced them to pay bribes. They stopped the cars by hand, they did not have any epaulettes, they did not want to say why they stopped me and they did not introduce themselves", reads the notification.

The man from Ukraine said that the two of them threatened him with a report, that he will have to pay 20,000 lei and he will be deprived of the right to drive for a period of three years. "My request to the Interior Ministry of the Republic of Moldova - if they really are employees of the Republic of Moldova, they should start a discussion with them. If they prove that they are impostors posing as police, they should  be identified in the video and the amount of bribes taken  from drivers  must be  returned", concludes the author.

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