New Head of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office promises a series of investigations and new changes: "If I fail, I will resign"

Anastasia Nani
Viorel Morari, la şedinţa Clubului Jurnaliştilor de Investigaţie. Foto: CIJM

A series of investigations will start in the next 2 years, and citizens would see the new changes by August 1, when the new Law on Prosecution is enforced, said Viorel Morari, the new head of Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office. Otherwise, he will resign. These statements were made at the Club of Investigative Journalists organized by the Center for Investigative Journalism on Wednesday, May 25.

“New changes should be noticed till then. Personally, I must understand if my ability of leader allows me to change the situation. Otherwise, if I fail, I will resign. If I am not successful, it means that I should give this opportunity to someone else", said the prosecutor.

Viorel Morari says that he wants to examine 800 cases pending at the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office and to discuss with each subordinate. "I told them my expectations, now I want to know their expectations from me", said the prosecutor.

Head of Anti-Corruption Prosecution argues that at least 10% of his current subordinates must leave.  That is why, he wants to evaluate current prosecutors and participate in selecting new prosecutors.  “Each prosecutor will be evaluated since August 1. Currently, I want to start a dialogue with the courts, first with the Buiucani Court and with officers from National Anti-corruption Center. I'm interested in the evaluation by other participants in criminal proceedings: lawyers, courts, criminal investigators and even litigants, to the extent that their opinion can be taken into account. As for current employees, I can evaluate their work and make proposals for disciplinary sanctioning or initiate an internal investigation. When the reorganization starts, I will try to participate with reference in selecting the best prosecutors ", said Viorel Morari. He added that after institution’s reorganization, the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office will have 50 prosecutors.

Though the reform brings higher wages, it is not enough to solve the problems of integrity, said the prosecutor. "The salary can increase indefinitely, but if the person does not abstain from or admits improper intervention, things will not be solved", he said.

According to him, a risk factor that is currently influencing the activity of Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office is the heavy workload. At present, about 35 prosecutors manage 25-30 cases each. "All of them are very complex. Once the new provisions come into force and competencies are reduced, we hope to solve this issue. Anticorruption prosecutors would only deal with MPs, ministers, judges, prosecutors and the amount of crime should start from 5,000 conventional units ", said Viorel Morari.

Meeting of the Investigative Journalists Club - "Reform of Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office:  will the fight against corruption become more efficient?" – is part of the Campaign  Journalists for Integrity in Public Service, carried out by the Center for Investigative Journalism,  with the support of the Good Governance Program of Soros –Moldova Foundation.


Anastasia Nani

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