Terms of Use
Rules for using the anticorruption platform www.anticoruptie.md.
The following requirements aim at protecting every citizen’s rights and freedoms.
- Every user of this portal is entitled to express freely their opinion in their posts, in their comments and items posted but in no case shall violate the law or another person’s rights;
- Each user shall bear responsibility for the content of their posts on this portal;
- In order not to admit violations of the law or of human rights, the portal moderators reserve the right to exclude comments, posts and any other messages having discriminatory, abusive, racial, calumnious, defamatory, pornographic, vulgar, offending character, which incite to hatred and violence, containing attacks at the person, suggest intimidation, harassment and threats, containing ungrounded allegations;
- Negative comments are encouraged as they can serve as constructive criticism and can be useful. They will not be deleted except for those that violate the rules for using the portal;
- Text without making reference to the source shall not be taken over.
- The portal administrators shall not be liable for the content of the post and of the items posted by the site users, except for the columns and items signed by the team or by the members of the Center for Investigative Journalism;
- Citizens shall write their notifications clearly, in short and shall include specific facts, data, figures and as detailed descriptions as possible;
- It would be good to accompany notifications with documents, photographs, video and audio recordings;
- Citizens notifications shall be posted on the web map only after they have been seen by a moderator;
- The moderators are entitled to edit and to compress the text of the notification, as necessary;
- Citizens notifications shall be posted on the interactive map only if they contain specific details about the facts and abuses claimed, the name of the institution, locality and name of the persons referred to and their function;
- The authors of the notifications shall mandatorily indicate their name and contact data;
- The anticorruption platform also offers to the users the right to protect their identity. For this the users shall check the option for such situations;
- It is indicated that users appeal to this right only when signaling a corruption case may affect them or their family members.
- The Investigative Journalism Center that administers this portal will protect the identity and personal data of those users who will request this but also when it considers that there are real risks for such users. The personal data will not be made public and will not be provided even to law-enforcement bodies unless when required so by the law;Notifications having an unclear message will not be posted on the interactive map;
- Also, those notifications that do not contain specific acts of corruption, abuse or other violations mentioned in the column About us will not be accepted;
- Comments and any other posts that do not comply with the admissible criteria shall be deleted by the administrators of this site.
Center for Investigative Journalism