Ana Gutu, candidate of the Party Dreapta in presidential elections dated October 30 says that one more reason to call Moldova a captured state is that the parties at power assign key positions to people affiliated to parties. According to her, the influence of the oligarchs can be reduced through unification with Romania. This was discussed in a debate organized by the Centre for Investigative Journalism under the project "Transparent Presidential Elections".
"In Moldova, a political party comes to power to assign key positions in the state - institutions, ministries, agencies, hundreds of state enterprises to people affiliated to parties. Also, they solve financial problems of their families, they establish companies that do business with the state, etc. Power changes every 7 years. For instance, what Filat did two or three years ago, now Plahotniuc does it – all mayors join him. They used the same methods. Is that mayor captured? Let us ask ourselves. I spoke with some of them. One of them says, “I must solve the problem of water supply in the village, and if I do not join the Democratic Party, I will not get the money". It's kind of pressure: you do not join the party; you do not get money for water supply or roads. Unfortunately, our state works like this and so will do. It is impossible for a candidate in presidential elections to put an end to captured institutions. I see many candidates promise wonders. How can a president do it with a limited budget? ", asked rhetorically the candidate for seat of president.
According to her, the only way to combat this phenomenon is union with Romania. She will promote unification is she is elected president of the state. "There are no short term solutions. At least, if we internationalize this problem, if we have a unionist president, this will be a serious approach for the Republic of Moldova’s unification with Romania. At least, we will do something, otherwise, that president, anti-corruption, anti-oligarchic, anti-system ... useless discussions. Why not be anti-corruption, anti-oligarchic and anti-system and propose unification with Romania. This is the only solution if we want to have fair justice, 32 districts and heads of districts. We must not have by 3 times more mayors than in Great Britain", said Gutu.
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