Over 1.4 million Moldovan citizens cast their vote today for the first time in the past 20 years the future president of the Republic of Moldova. Citizens voted for one of the 9 candidates in the presidential race. Opinion polls before elections showed Maia Sandu and Igor Dodon, favourites in the race. After polling stations closed in the country, Maia Sandu announced in a press conference that the second round will be organized.
UPDATE 4.50. After 99,14% of ballots being processed, in the second round of elections will participate Igor Dodon and Maia Sandu. The difference of votes cast for the two is about 142.000.
Here are the results of voting:
Igor Dodon - 48,39 %
Maia Sandu - 38,27 %
Dumitru Ciubasenco - 6,03 %
Iurie Leanca - 3,12 %
Mihai Ghimpu - 1,8 %
Valeriu Ghiletchi - 1,06 %
Maia Laguta - 0,75 %
Silvia Radu - 0,4 %
Ana Gutu - 0,17 %
UPDATE 22.41. 60% of ballots are processed. Here are the results of voting:
Igor Dodon - 52,55%
Maia Sandu - 34 %
Dumitru Ciubasenco - 5,42 %
Iurie Leanca - 3,39 %
Mihai Ghimpu - 2,12 %
Valeriu Ghiletchi - 1,08 %
Maia Laguta - 0,81 %
Silvia Radu - 0,46 %
Ana Gutu - 0,17 %
UPDATE 22.26. 50 % of ballots are processed. Here are the results of voting:
Igor Dodon - 52,78 %
Maia Sandu - 33,79 %
Dumitru Ciubasenco - 5,25 %
Iurie Leanca - 3,45 %
Mihai Ghimpu - 2,26 %
Valeriu Ghiletchi - 1,06 %
Maia Laguta - 0,81 %
Silvia Radu - 0,4 %
Ana Gutu - 0,18 %
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