DOC// The prosecutor who declared her Mercedes at the price of 10,000 lei, saved by the Board of Ethics and Discipline. A member of the SCP appealed the decision

Julieta Saviţchi

The Ethics and Discipline Board of Prosecutors upheld the decision of the Prosecutors' Inspection regarding the termination of the disciplinary proceedings against the prosecutor from the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office, Victoria Furtună. Proceedings were initiated at the request of a member of the Superior Council of Prosecutors (SCP), Andrei Cebotari.


Andrei Cebotari declared for the portal that he contested the Board's decision at the SCP meeting. "Neither the Inspectorate of Prosecutors nor the Board of Ethics and Discipline investigated and clarified how Victoria Furtuna managed to purchase a car in 2013 (manufactured in 2012) for 10 thousand lei, the car that was sold after nine years of exploitation at a price 29 times higher", argued Cebotari.

Cebotari either said, it was not verified, whether people who donated 2.3 million lei to Victoria Furtună and offered her for living a free-of-charge building with an area of ​​over 100 square meters, obtained these funds legally.

We specify that NIA is investigating for the second time the case of the anti-corruption prosecutor, Victoria Furtună, who declared a Mercedes model car at the price of 10,000 lei, at the request of SCP member Andrei Cebotari.

At the same time, Cebotari requested information from the Fisc if Victoria Furtună reported the income after selling, last year, the Mercedes for 290,000 lei. According to the answer provided by the State Fiscal Inspectorate, her husband, Sergiu Furtună, declared the income as the capital gain following the sale of the means of transport and fulfilled the tax obligations.

The SCP member submitted the steps after Transparency International Moldova placed Victoria Furtună in the second position in a ranking of the prosecutors who benefited from the largest donations.

As for the Mercedes car, for which she has been criticized in the press for declaring it for only 10,000 lei, Victoria Furtună specified that it was bought by her mother-in-law, who completed the sale-purchase contract. The amount from the contract was indicated in the tax declaration.

Julieta Saviţchi

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