Official! Marian Lupu withdrew from the presidential race. Ghimpu – on stand by
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The Central Election Commission annulled Friday, October 28, following a ruling issued by the Court of Appeal Chisinau, the decision on the registration of Marian Lupu as candidate designated by the Democratic Party in presidential elections in the Republic of Moldova.

Thus, the stamp “withdrawn” will be applied near his name on the ballot. Election officials in the electoral polling stations will apply the stamp.

Marian Lupu announced on October 26 that he withdraws from the presidential race in favor of Maia Sandu. According to the Democrat MP, he renounces the race for offering more chances to   a pro-European candidate. "We proved many times that we can make important steps when national interest is prior. National interest is conditioned now by keeping the country's European course. Moldova needs a pro-European president to work for this objective, not to start new wars and political crises. He must be a balancing factor", said Marian Lupu.

Today, during a press conference, Liberals’ candidate in presidential elections Mihai Ghimpu admitted that he might withdraw from the presidential race in favor of Maia Sandu if the latter accepts in her electoral program the "ideal of unification ". “ I withdraw from the presidential race, without any conditions.  I want that this candidate accepts from my program: Moldova’s unification to Romania. But I'm sure Maia Sandu will not do it. I'm still waiting", said Mihai Ghimpu. Maia Sandu did not reply to Mihai Ghimpu's proposal.

Update (18.47): In a new press conference, leader of the Liberal Party Mihai Ghimpu announced that he decided to remain in the presidential race.

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