EU Enlargement for Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia: special page highlights key information and resources

As EU leaders gather in Brussels for the European Council on 14-15 December, where they will discuss EU enlargement policy, including the next steps for Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, EU NEIGHBOURS east has prepared a special enlargement page explaining the enlargement process and the story so far.

The page – EU Enlargement for Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia – takes you through the latest 2023 Enlargement Package – which recommended opening accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova, and to grant candidate status to Georgia, on the understanding that Georgia meets certain steps – as well as the enlargement process and each country’s progress so far. Content is also available in ArmenianAzerbaijaniBelarusianGeorgianRomanianUkrainian and Russian.

The Enlargement page includes background information, key facts and explanations, as well as comprehensive links to original European Commission reports and resources providing further detail about the enlargement process and the EU’s relations with Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

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