The Center for Investigative Journalism (CIJM) is hosting a training session with the participation of Ukrainian journalists temporarily relocated to Romania. The exchange of experience and excellence is aimed at the long-term consequences of Russia's war in Ukraine, namely the destruction of the ecosystem. At the same time, investigative journalists discussed another weapon used by the Kremlin, namely disinformation. The training "Ukrainian journalists against wartime propaganda and disinformation" is organized by the Center for Investigative Jurnalism (CIJM) and Yak Vdoma Hub Bucharest, with the support of CFI Agence Française de Développement Médias.
Ecocide, disinformation, and other aspects related to the war of aggression waged by the Russian Federation in Ukraine and its impact on the Black Sea region are addressed in the training session with the participation of two journalists from Ukraine, Viktoria Kopenko and Iryna Avramenko.
In the opening of the session, Cornelia Cozonac, the president of the Center for Investigative Journalism, emphasized the fact that the experience of colleagues from Ukraine, the information they have, and the investigations they have carried out so far represent an important source for journalists from the Republic of Moldova who want to explore this subject.
The two journalists, who were forced to take refuge in Romania from Ukraine, shared with their colleagues from the Republic of Moldova their experience and the knowledge gained from the monitoring carried out since the beginning of the war.
The coordinator of the Yak Vdoma Hub Bucharest project, Angela Grămada, mentioned that the hub was opened in 2022 and has already hosted 22 Ukrainian journalists.
"Initially, we set out to provide a safe space for Ukrainian journalists, and later we added more elements, as we saw that their work has an impact thanks to the content they present in their investigations," Grămada said.
The training participants also discuss how the security context affects the information space and realities in neighboring countries, especially Romania and the Republic of Moldova.
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