Moldova combats the worst forms of child labor

Mihaela Cibotaru

The United States Department of Labor released its 2022 annual report on the Worst Forms of Child Labor, which credited Moldova with an improvement in its efforts in this area.  The report focuses on the efforts of countries and territories around the world to eliminate the worst forms of child labor through legislation, enforcement mechanisms, policies and social programs.  The United States commends Moldova for the achievements reflected in the report’s assessment that Moldova made Moderate Advancement in eliminating the worst forms of child labor in 2022.  On September 28, 2023, Ambassador Logsdon presented Minister for Labor and Social Protection Buzu with a copy of the report. 

The 2022 report highlights Moldovan’s newly enacted legislation to reinstate the ability of labor inspectors to perform unannounced, onsite inspections. These inspections are a critical aspect of Moldova’s progress toward eliminating the worst forms of child labor and conform with International Labor Organization and EU standards.

The Moldovan government also reactivated the National Council on the Protection of the Rights of Children, established a new National Program for Child Protection, and signed a joint order between the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Education and Research to identify and assist children at risk of child labor. We commend the Moldovan government for these impressive steps.

This upgraded status demonstrates that Moldova’s efforts to combat child labor are having a substantial impact, and the United States is proud to be a partner in these continued efforts.  The report also presents specific recommendations to further Moldova’s efforts over the next year.

Mihaela Cibotaru

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