Portal Anticoruptie.md, one of the finalists of National Journalistic Ethics and Professional Deontology Award 2016 contest


Media outlets, Anticoruptie.md, Newsmaker.md and the weekly “Ziarul de Garda” are the finalists of National Journalistic Ethics and Professional Deontology Award 2016 contest.

The finalists of the contest were selected based on a voting procedure that consisted of a number of stages. Thus, between July 20 and November 15, 2016, the media consumers could vote on the website www.mediaforum.md for the nine media outlets that were nominated for the National Journalistic Ethics and Professional Deontology Award 2016. „Afterward, the professional behavior of the media outlets was assessed by a group of experts and members of the Press Council. Three finalists were chosen based on the total votes obtained from the public and from the experts and members of the Press Council. They were best appreciated in both rankings”, reads a press release of the Press Council.

Under the regulations for organizing and holding the contest, the Press Council will decide in a special closed meeting, which of the three finalist media outlets will get the award. As the organizer of the contest, the Press Council can decide to give the award to none of these if it determines that the finalists do not deserve it. The winner of the contest will become known in the Gala “Journalists of 2016” (22nd edition), which will be staged by the Center for Independent Journalism and the Committee for Freedom of the Press on December 16, 2016.



Textele de pe pagina web a Centrului de Investigații Jurnalistice www.anticoruptie.md sunt realizate de jurnaliști, cu respectarea normelor deontologice și sunt protejate de dreptul de autor. Preluarea textelor știrilor și a investigațiilor jurnalistice se realizează în limita maximă de 500 de semne. În mod obligatoriu, în cazul paginilor web (portaluri, agenții, instituţii media sau bloguri) trebuie indicat şi linkul direct la articolul preluat de pe www.anticoruptie.md în primul alineat, iar în cazul posturilor de radio și TV – se citează obligatoriu sursa.

Preluarea integrală a textelor se poate realiza doar în condiţiile unui acord prealabil semnat cu Centrul de Investigații Jurnalistice.

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