Presidential campaign advertising // How much do candidates pay for TV electoral ads. One minute can cost 77.000 lei
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Candidates will spend huge sums of money in the campaigning for presidential elections from October 30. Most of money will be used for TV ads of candidates. Broadcasters have established high fares for these services. The highest prices are announced by Jurnal TV, the   TV channels that are part of "General Media Group" holding of Vlad Plahotniuc and the CTC TV group. The media wrote previously that the latter has been taken over from an American company by the businessman Vlad Plahotniuc.  

According to statements submitted to the Central Election Commission, a minute of advertising on Jurnal TV costs 3,500 Euros (about 77,000 lei), on Prime TV- 3,000 Euros and  on Publika TV  and Canal 3 - 2,000 Euros each, Canal 2 TV- 1,500 euros, and on Mega CTC Mega and  CTC Moldova - 1,000 Euros each/ 1 minute.

PRO TV Chisinau set much lower prices for  campaign advertising, 600 Euros for a minute. Electoral advertising on TV 7 costs from 9,100 lei to 11,600 lei for one minute and  the Public Broadcaster Moldova 1 TV  set 500 Euros for a minute.

Previously, many electoral candidates have complained of the high price set by broadcasters for campaign advertising. They said that in this way, they were denied access to certain TV stations with national coverage.

You can see below the prices/1 minute of campaign advertising at the most popular TV stations.

1. Jurnal TV - 3.500 €

2. Prime TV – 3.000 €

3. Publika TV – 2.000 €

4. Canal 3 TV – 2.000 €

5. Canal 2  TV– 1.500 €

6. CTC Moldova TV – 1000 €

7. CTC Mega TV – 1.000 €

8. NTS TV– 960 €

9. RTR TV – 600 €

10. Pro TV Chisinau – 600 €

11. TV 7 – 520  €

12. Moldova 1 TV – 500 €

13. Realitatea TV – 100-200 €.

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